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People need to know that if they believe in Jesus, then things can’t still be as they have been. For if things are as Jesus said they are, then we learn that God is love; He is the Father, the Son, and the brother of humans. He is the Comforter and the strength that stands by us, reassuring and sowing hope into the ones who believe. And if they believe in Jesus, at the same time they need to acknowledge that the human hearts will be judged and the appearances will be unclothed to the core of truth, and only the deeds performed out of love will survive.
People need to know that if they believe in Jesus, then they also believe that the ultimate reward belongs to those who lived happily because they were humble and teachable; because they cried the good cries; because they tamed their hearts concerning the impulses of hatred or lack of self-control; because they carried on with a pure eye, a peacemaking will, the perseverance founded in righteousness, and the joy received from heaven—from where the redemption of all those who believed to the last will come.
People need to know that if they believe in Jesus, then they should understand that the world will end; nature will groan until it gives birth to something new; the nations will hate one another; the peoples will gather up for war; and the ordinary run of people will love lie much more than truth.
People need to know that if they believe in Jesus, then they also believe that Israel will still be Israel until its Day of Weep for the One and Only Son comes; and that wars and revolutions will break out everywhere; and that no powers on the Earth will give the world lasting peace until the end.
People need to know that if they believe in Jesus, then they also believe that at the sound of the last trumpet, the living who believe will be transformed, and, abducted by angels, they will go up to meet the Lord in the air. Before that, though, everyone who has died in the bed of faith in the resurrection will be raised from the dead. They will rise first. Then the living will be transformed. So believe the believers.
People need to know that if they believe in Jesus, then they also believe that things are as Jesus told us they are, were and will be.
If that is so, then why can’t we live up to what we say we believe? Or maybe we don’t actually believe anything we profess with our lips?
Well, if you don’t believe all this stuff any longer, then say, “I don’t believe all this stuff any longer. To me, Jesus is the best; he’s my guru; he’s my power; he’s the power I was taught and it worked for me.”
For sure this would still be more pleasing to God!
In Him, in whom we were called to obedience in faith,
Lago Norte – Brasília
Translated by F. R. Castelo Branco | August 2007
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