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I AM A SENATOR´S ADVISER: The gospel changed my life!

I AM A SENATOR´S ADVISER: The gospel changed my life!

My friend Caio Fabio, advisor My name is “G”. I’m also from the Amazon but now living in Brasilia. There I’ve been employed as an advisor of a Senator since 1990. I unintentionally watched, one of his conferences on TV (approximately in September 2004) and since than I have never stopped listening to you. Besides watching you on TV, I listen to you every Sunday in La Salle (Brasilia). I also read your website bought your books, and read and reread many of your works. Currently I am focused on “Enigma da Graca”. It is as fantastic, as all the others. All of your books belong to my essential library. As you can see I read a lot. I met Jesus and remet the Holy Bible through your words. My life is changing radically, thanks to God. I’m blessed. Since I was little I was extremely generous and loving. Now I see very clearly love for others (which I always felt), that I always gave to the community, and the daily practice of doing good to all. My love for others came only through Christ. Without a doubt the “Caminho da Graca” made me aware of this. The awareness of my own heart began with a bigger comprehension of Jesus teachings. Thank You, my friend Caio Fabio Thank you very much That’s what I had to say. ____________________________________________________________ Answer My dear brother in the love of Christ, Grace and Peace! I thank God that “O Caminho da Graça” is full of people with the same experience as you. They are learning God’s love and finding a world of peace and rest for their soul, exactly as you are experiencing now. As long as I am here and if God continues to give me life and health, I will do everything to keep the Holy Spirit’s way of life alive to never be altered in it’s simplicity, naturality, expontaneity, truth of word and faith in the power of God. The “Caminho da Graca” is full of people who didn’t want anything with the church but who did want “something” with Jesus. Some people didn’t even know what they were hoping to find. I have met people there who were “gurus”, people who belong to the “new era”, spiritualists, Catholics, and evangelicals. Now, listening to God’s word, they are growing in the same dimension, believing on the gospel of Jesus and finding their old beliefs to be childish. There are also people from the political world, (some representatives, congressman, and a senator. Many are advisors as you are. The wonderful thing is that all are equal, as part of body of Christ, as it should be in a meeting of believers. So I am happy when a congressman or a senator attends quietly, casually sitting and listening intently. Sometimes they come and greet me and sometimes they just listen. Then leave. That’s the way it should always be. I have seem some people who it would seem unlikely that they believe, love, and witness of the Gospel to others in their own lives. When thy arrived less than a year ago, they had nothing in their heart or if they had something stored in their soul, they didn’t know how to consciously apply that feeling. I look at this with pleasure and Praise to God! Now I have been asking God to provide a way for us to improve the TV schedule in order to reach more people. I also have being asking that He allow us to carry this message into all parts of Brazil, as once before, but with much more strength, simplicity, deepness and sharpness. Tomorrow with the Grace of God we will see each other and, sincerely, I hope that after the meeting you come and give me a hug. Remain firm in your understanding which was given by God to you and not from any man. Go in peace and faith and by doing so you will continue to do good to people and also will be the biggest beneficiary of your own good works. That is the promise of the Gospel. Receive my care and remember. Tomorrow I will wait for you at the “Caminho”. In him. In whom we have been prepared to be the Gospel’s seed before we were born. Caio Translation: Guilherme and Kathy Sazonov WM
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